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First of all, the alwaysdata team sends you its best wishes for the new year.

We would like to take this opportunity to take a quick look back to see what was accomplished over the past year, and above all to share with you what is to be expected in the coming months.

Back to 2016

What the — near — future holds

  • An impressive migration: although we now have our own facilities, many shared accounts are still with a former supplier. We will use this migration to carry out an important upgrade of our systems and therefore of many versions of the libraries and languages ​​we offer. Rest assured, we will be coming back with further details about this very soon.
  • New technologies: the recent update of our front-end proxy as well as the planned migration will allow us to offer additional technologies (Node.js, Java or Go for example) to our users. Besides, what would you like in terms of languages, tools or libraries?
  • And also: mailing list management, a sponsorship system… and much more!

In any case, keep in touch by following this blog, our Twitter account, or our changelog platform for the smaller updates.

Hello 2017, and off we go!