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As is the case for many of our colleagues in hosting, the current circumstances are forcing us to increase our prices slightly — by between 5 and 10% — from January 1, 2023 onwards. Here are some more details about the reasons for this, and about what’s going to change.

The reasons

  • The increase in electricity costs: our various datacenter service providers informed us of an increase of between 100% and 300% in the cost of electrical energy, which already accounted for more than a third of our bills.
  • Inflation: particularly high this year (estimated at more than 6% in October), it has reached a cumulative total of 12% since 2016, the time of the last update to our packs.

In order to maintain our independence, and indeed our capacity to invest in R&D and in recruitment, we made the decision to review our price grids.

Public Cloud and Private Cloud Prices 

Here are the subscription prices that are going to be applied to everyone (old and new subscriptions): 

Public Cloud

Public Cloud 10GB8€/month84€/year (7€/month)
Public Cloud 20GB13€/month132€/year (11€/month)
Public Cloud 50GB27€/month264€/year (22€/month)
Public Cloud 100GB49€/month468€/year (39€/month)
Public Cloud 150GB69€/month708€/year (59€/month)
Public Cloud 300GB135€/month1308€/year (109€/month)

Private Cloud

VPS A159€/month1668€/year (139€/month)
VPS B209€/month2268€/year (189€/month)
Base Private Server (old configurations)369€/month3996€/year (333€/month)
Base Private Server409€/month4428€/year (369€/month)
Gold1039€/month11388€/year (949€/month)

It is important to specify that we are undertaking to lower our prices if the electricity costs return to their pre-crisis level. 

Edit 29/11: no change on free Public Cloud 100MB.

The displaying of our real monthly price 

For some years now, our prices have been indicated as follows (for the 10GB pack for instance, with the new price): 

  • Displaying of the monthly undertaking: 8€/month
  • Displaying of the annual undertaking: 84€/year

We have noticed that virtually all of our competitors display a fictitious monthly price, which, in reality, corresponds to their annual subscription. Compared to this, our offers therefore incorrectly appeared to be less competitive. From now on, we are going to display our annual price, split up by month by default; this corresponds to the price of the annual offer divided by 12: 

  • Displaying of the annual undertaking: 7€/month
  • Displaying of the monthly undertaking: 8€/month

Finally, rest assured that our team takes care every day to make sure that our main priority stays the same: maintaining a top-quality level of service in order to pamper our users and facilitate the implementation of their projects. 

All that remains for me to do is wish you a wonderful festive period, for it’s fast-approaching — and see you soon! 😉