September, 2018
It’s already mid-September, which probably means you’re now back to work. It also implies it’s time for us to retake the road and greet you with a wave! More than ever, we consider as crucial to share with others our thoughts and feedback about technologies, security, and privacy.
Without further delay, here’s our already confirmed program for this fall 2018 edition:
- Sept. 19: LTArena (Amiens, France), Privacy By Design(FR)
- Sept. 27: La Tech Amienoise (Amiens, France), Zero Knowledge Architecture(FR)
- Oct. 6 – 7: PyconFR, (Lille, France), La Crypto pour les devs(FR), Full-remote, guide de survie en environnement distant(FR)
- Oct. 18 – 19: Connect.Tech (Atlanta, Georgia, USA), Crypto for devs(EN)
- Oct. 24 – 25: Blend Web Mix (Lyon, France), Privacy By Design, the hard way(FR) ; here’s a quick introduction, in French:
- Nov. 9: (Bordeaux, France), Zero-Knowledge Architecture(FR)
- Nov. 10 – 11: DACHFest (Munich, Switzerland), If Code is Law, who’s in charge of Ethics? (EN) ; read the introduction article by DACHFest team.
- Nov. 16: NodeJS Italian Conference (Verona, Italy), Node.js as a feature-flipping supervisor through Git(EN)
We’re waiting some other events’ answers, like Capitole du Libre, POSS, DevDay… We expect to see you there too!
Organizing our events tour is a long-term task, that’s why we’re already planning 2019 events. If you want to see us in Quebec for the edition, please read our proposals and upvote them.
See you there!
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